Author: komatsuvscat

Best Excavator Reviews

Cat excavator hydraulic pump

Read more about our cat excavator hydraulic pump and how it can help you Are you looking for high quality Cat excavator hydraulic pump? If yes, then we are your best choice. We have a wide variety of Cat excavator hydraulic pump that will meet your needs. Our product quality is very good and also […]

john deere hydraulics troubleshooting
Excavator problem solving

john deere hydraulics troubleshooting

John deere hydraulics troubleshooting is not a big deal! The question is how to maintain your excavator hydraulics? How do you repair john deere hydraulic systems when they break down? Despite the fact that these machines are made for farming, the manufacturers themselves don’t really reveal the secrets about them. Air in the john deere […]

Komatsu Code L03 D19jkz
Excavator problem solving

FAQ: How to drive an excavator?

how to drive excavator? The backhoe is a popular tractor attachment used for digging and moving dirt. It is also called an excavator, but in layman’s terms, it is known as a backhoe. It can be attached to the back or front of a tractor, depending on the job it needs to do. It has […]

komatsu 160 excavator
Excavator Comparison

komatsu 160 excavator how to change cab mounts

How To Change Cab Mounts On A Komatsu 160 Excavator. The Komatsu 160-1 series excavators have a unique feature that allows the operator to move the cab from its standard position directly above the engine and drive train to a lowered position. Not a switch, per say, but two different blocks with two different functions, […]

pc160lc-8 komatsu excavator
komatsu excavator guide

pc160lc-8 komatsu excavator how to change iso pattern

The valve change kit for the Komatsu pc160lc-8 KOMATSU excavator has been developed to ensure flexibility for different applications by ensuring that a variety of hose clips and fittings are available to accommodate the advancement in technology. It is also compact, fast and easy to install. pc160lc-8 komatsu excavator-Changing from ISO to SAE or from […]
