how to replace turning upper body pinion on a komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator
Don’t throw away your old parts for a Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excaverlor. Lets see how to replace turning upper body pinion on a Komatsu PC 2MR-2 Excavator along with other products from Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excavator.
komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-remove the counterweight and upper structure on the excavator
This Komatsu PC 2MR-2 excavator is in the process of being taken apart. In this video, we show you how we removed the counterweight and upper structure on the excavator.
The Komatsu PC 2MR-2 is a mini excavator that weighs around 16,000 lbs. We have to crane the counterweight off first because it is too heavy to lift off without a crane.
It’s important to disconnect any batteries when working on equipment. This way, there are no electrical hazards.
We then use a forklift with a basket attached to pick up the upper structure. This will allow us to move it closer to the truck for loading. After this, we remove the boom and cab from the upper structure and load them onto our truck for transport back to our shop in Nashville, TN.

komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-you might need to remove the rack and pinion to get to the pinion behind it.
Rack and pinion systems are the most common kind of power transmission in excavators. They use a set of gears to transmit power from the hydraulic pump to the excavator’s bucket or ripper. Rack and pinion systems are commonly found in other machines as well, but their placement is not always obvious. So if you’re looking for them, look at the front of your machine.
Most excavator racks can be accessed from underneath the machine. The main parts include the main shaft and drive sprockets on either side, the main parts sprocket on top, and two smaller sprockets that hold a pinion gear.
For safety’s sake, remove any guards first before inspecting your excavation equipment parts. Also check to see that all bolts and nuts are secure. Once everything is secure, find the back end of the drive shaft — you can usually tell it’s there because it will have a cover over it — and carefully lift it up until you can access the pinion gear behind it with a socket wrench or socket extension.

komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-mark the position of the pinion with a white crayon or pen
KOMATSU PC 2MR-2 EXCAVATOR-Mark the position of the pinion with a white crayon or pen. Turn the pinion in both directions until it stops in one direction against the ring gear. Mark the new position on the pinion flange.
KOMATSU PC 2MR-2 EXCAVATOR-Carefully put the pinion back into its original position and install a new seal. Torque it to specifications, then install a locking plate.
KOMATSU PC 2MR-2 EXCAVATOR-Apply some liquid gasket maker (Three Bond, for example) on both sides of the rear output shaft oil seal, then wait a few minutes before installing it. Clean out any old sealant from the oil seal seat on the rear output flange. Install a new oil seal and torque it to specification.
KOMATSU PC 2MR-2 EXCAVATOR-Install a new O-ring on the front axle housing and apply some grease to it before installing a new front output flange gasket. Next, install a new front output flange oil seal.
komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-remove the pinion with an impact wrench
Komatsu PC200-2MR excavator is used for heavy-duty works in coal mines and construction sites, including the large-scale excavation of coal mines, construction and demolition waste sites. The main work load is removing the pinion of the excavator from the track shaft.
Please perform the following operations to remove the pinion with an impact wrench.
1. Remove the front wheel assembly (10).
2. Remove the inner frame (11).
3. Remove the rear wheel assembly (12).
4. Remove the dummy pin (13) from the track shaft shaft collar (14).
5. Set up a power tool that is suitable for working with impact wrenches and adjust its speed to a level appropriate for working with impact wrenches at low speed, and then use it to remove the pinion from the track shaft shaft collar.
komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-install new pinion by reverse of removal
This manual is a PDF file any one of which we can be printed easily. To work and to maintain the Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excavator, an individual must have a complete guidebook. This manual book is made up of various information and safety guidelines for the Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excavator.
This Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excavator service manual is actually a specific handbook that incorporates full details about the item. It provides detailed information on every aspect of Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excavator repair, from maintenance to troubleshooting and complete overhauls, based on the disassembly of components. This Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excavator manual provides a comprehensive guide to safety procedures, working methods and tools to use, in order to operate the machine safely and efficiently.
This Komatsu PC2MR-2 Excavator service manual is written with an easy-to-follow style that includes photos and illustrations that guide you through each process or repair procedure step by step. You will be able to understand the basic concepts of troubleshooting and repairing machines by using this service manual.
komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-torque to factory specs. if you are not sure what they are, check your manuals.
The best way to know what the torque specs are on your komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator is to check the factory service manual. You will find it in there, or can call your local komatsu dealer and ask them for a copy.
The first thing you should do is make sure all the bolts are clean and free of debris. After that, crank down until you feel resistance and then about 1/4 turn more. This is not a very good method and should only be used when you have no other options.
The second method is to find a torque wrench and set it to the correct setting for your application. Then just crank it down until it clicks twice.
The third method is to use a torque wrench and an impact gun. These two items work well together because they allow you to get the right amount of torque without over tightening.
You can also use an impact gun by itself but this can lead to some problems if you don’t know what settings are needed or how much force should be applied without damaging anything else on your engine block.
The last option would be using a hydraulic press but these types of machines are expensive so unless you’re willing to spend money then this isn’t really an option for most people at home
komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-reinstall counterweight and upper structure
Reinstall upper structure and all components. Install counterweight and all components. Lower upper structure and install capscrews. Install bolts, capscrews and nuts. Install capscrews, bolts, nuts and washers. Tighten fasteners to specifications. Install cab door and capscrews. Remove installation pads from undercarriage. Install hex bolts and washers to secure track frames and lower carbody to undercarriage assembly. Tighten fasteners to specifications.
komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-Replacing turning upper body pinion on a komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator is something you can do yourself if you have the parts and some familiarity with how it should go back together.
komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator-Replacing turning upper body pinion on a komatsu pc 2mr-2 excavator is something you can do yourself if you have the parts and some familiarity with how it should go back together.
The first step is to get your hands on the right part. You can find out what that is by consulting the owner’s manual or by calling your local dealer. Before you take the machine in for repair, make sure you have a good idea of what caused the problem in the first place.
If you don’t know exactly what’s wrong with your machine, but it seems to be rusty, worn or has other signs of wear and tear, then this might be a good time for you to consider having it repaired. If you have experience doing so, then there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t be able to handle this yourself.
The next step is to remove the old pinion from your machine. This will likely require some elbow grease and a little bit of patience, but if you’re careful it shouldn’t take more than an hour or so. After removing it, take note of how many bolts are holding it in place.