What size komatsu mini excavator Do I need to remove stumps?
A question that pops up every year when people are clearing brush and stumps by their home or business is, “What size mini excavator do I need to remove stumps?” Here’s an easy method to determine what size you will want for your needs.
komatsu mini excavator-What size komatsu mini excavator Do I need to remove stumps?
I have found that a 24″ wide stump grinder is ideal. You can get those in different widths. The most popular width is 72 inches. That will fit through a narrow gate, but you still need some space to turn around.
If you have a large property and don’t have to worry about fences, then I would recommend going with the widest one possible. A 36 inch or 48 inch is ideal. The wider the machine, the less passes you will have to make on each stump.
You should also consider if you want an open cab or closed cab version. Some people prefer one over the other for different reasons. I like the closed cab version because it keeps me dryer when it rains and I don’t have to worry about getting wet from the sprayers on the front of the machine.
The width of your equipment will depend on what size stumps you are planning to grind up. If you only need a small komatsu mini excavator, then go with something narrow like 24 inches wide or 36 inches wide (these are common sizes). If you want to grind larger stumps than that, then choose something wider like 72 inches wide or 96 inches wide (some of these models are available too).

komatsu mini excavator-What size komatsu mini excavator do I need to handle dirt, sand, rock and clay?
If you need an excavator for your business, and you want to know what size komatsu mini excavator you should have or what size kubota mini excavator would be best for your needs, here is a great guide to help you choose the right size of excavator.
The first step is to determine the type of material you will be digging up, and how far you will need to move it. If you are going to be moving material from one place to another on your work site, then a smaller machine may be a better choice. If you are moving material offsite, then a larger machine is probably a better choice for your needs.
Another factor in choosing the right size is the area that you will be working in. If there are many obstacles around or under which you will have to dig, then a smaller machine may be necessary. If there are few obstacles around, and enough space between them, then a bigger machine may be a good choice.
Your final consideration should be based on the area that you need to dig out. For example, if you are digging out a basement, then a small machine might not be able to access all of the corners that need digging out. Larger machines can get into tighter spaces with less difficulty.

komatsu mini excavator-What size komatsu mini excavator do I need to dig a lake?
The size of the mini excavator that you need is determined by the depth and width of the lake that you are digging.
If you have a smaller lake, I would recommend a machine as small as a Cat 300.9D or even a Cat 301.5C CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator. The Cat 301.5C has only a 13-foot digging depth, so it might not be suitable for larger lakes.
If your lake is over 50 feet deep, you will need to use a bigger machine like the Cat 313F LGC or the Cat 303E CR. These machines have a 17-foot digging depth and can handle up to 10 cubic yards of dirt per hour in most conditions.
komatsu mini excavator-What size komatsu mini excavator do I need to dig a foundation?
However, in this specific case, I’m betting you mean “I want to dig a trench”. Excavators are pretty bad at digging holes. With a really small excavator (something like a komatsu pc15) it’s possible that you would be able to dig a hole in the earth 4′ deep by 2′ wide without too much difficulty. However, in reality, you’re going to have to deal with boulders and roots and trees. The ground isn’t just dirt.
The longer answer is that you need to hire an excavator operator with a small excavator (usually means skid steer or mini-excavator). Without having any idea what you’re trying to do or where you are located it’s hard for me to tell you how much it will cost. It could be $100 an hour or $1,000 an hour depending on the job and location.
komatsu mini excavator-What size komatsu mini excavator do I need to grade a gravel road or driveway?
What size komatsu mini excavator do I need to grade a gravel road or driveway?
For grading gravel roads, the most popular sizes are a 10,000 pound class excavators and a 16,000 pound class excavators. They both have standard bucket widths of 66 inches with a variety of buckets available from 60 – 72 inches wide.
10,000 pound class excavators are not powerful enough to grade gravel roads. They’re too slow and their hydraulics are not strong enough to push large volumes of material fast enough to smooth out the surface. Although you can use them for digging ditches, holes and removing stumps and other obstacles.
16,000 pound class excavators provide the power and speed needed to grade gravel roads in a timely manner while also being able to dig ditches, holes and remove stumps and other obstacles. They are also the most popular sizes for grading driveways because they’re light enough to carry on trailers for transporting to job sites and small enough for working in tight spaces.
komatsu mini excavator-The size of Komatsu mini excavators needed for residential construction depends on what exactly you need to do. For example, if your project involves digging a foundation or basement, you will likely need a larger model. However, if your project involves smaller tasks like landscaping and planting trees and shrubs, a smaller model would suffice.
The good news is that Komatsu makes several models ranging in size from 3.5 tons to 8 tons with operating weights up to 18,000 pounds (8 metric tons). This means there’s probably one that’s right for you.
The key question is: “What size komatsu mini excavator is best for use in residential construction?”
First off, let me say that there are many factors at play here so it’s not an easy question to answer! Some include: the type of work being done (i.e., digging a foundation vs doing landscaping), where you live (in a mountainous area or flatland), how much land you have available for excavation equipment storage/maintenance facilities etcetera….
If this were me personally…I’d go with one that has an operating weight between 10 and 15 metric tonnes (22-33 thousand pounds). I think anything bigger than that and it would be hard on.