komatsu pc 120 excavator floods out when starting and blows alot of smoke
Performing komatsu pc 120 excavator caused system floods as soon when turned on and runs with alot of smoke.
Komatsu pc 120-Sounds like your fuel injection pump needs a tune up
Sounds like you have a fuel pump going bad. The way to test it is to pull the fuel line off at the carburetor and turn the engine over and see if you get good fuel flow. You should be able to see a steady stream of gas coming out about as fast as your garden hose. If you don’t have this, then your fuel pump is not pumping enough fuel.
The fuel pump is located in front of the driver’s side rear tire under the fender area. It has a metal line going into it that comes from the gas tank and a metal line going out of it to the carburetor. There is also an electrical connection that goes to it from your fuse box.
You can install a new one yourself, but sometimes you need a special tool that releases a spring tensioning device inside so you can take it apart for repair. If you do need it, most auto parts stores will lend out their version of the tool for free or for a small deposit that they give back when you return the tool.

Komatsu pc 120-Buy tune up kit for injection pump and injectors.
Tune up kits for injection pumps and injectors are available in the market. These are manufactured by well known companies such as Bosch, Delphi, Garrett and many others. These companies have good reputation in the market and offer quality products to their customers. It is important to buy quality products for your vehicle so that it can be maintained properly.
There are many types of tune-up kits available in the market that can be used for different types of vehicles. If you need tune-up kit for your vehicle then there are many options available in the market to choose from. You can go through online shopping sites and check out the various options that they have to offer.
There are also many online stores that sell tune-up kits at affordable rates. You will be able to get these products at discounted prices if you shop during festivals or special occasions such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
There are also many websites that sell tune-up kits for vehicles at affordable rates. However, you should make sure that the website has a good reputation before buying any product from them.
The best way to buy tune up kit for injection pump and injectors is by visiting websites which specialize in selling these items. You can visit these websites and compare prices of different brands.

Komatsu pc 120-If you have no experience with this type of work get a professional to do it for you.
The most important thing you need to do is understand your market.
There is no point in trying to create a product that doesn’t appeal to anyone. You must start with the people who will be buying the product, and work backwards from there.
Every business exists because people want a particular thing. They want it so much that they will pay money for it.
For example, when I was thinking about starting my own business in 2012, I tried to identify products that people would spend money on. Then I tried to think of ways to make them better, faster or cheaper.
The best way to make money is by selling something that people already want, not trying to convince them that they want something you’ve created.
If you have no experience with this type of work get a professional to do it for you.
Komatsu pc 120-Broken piston rings will cause excessive smoke, but the most likely cause is the injectors.
The most likely cause is the injectors. The engine computer can’t regulate the injectors, so the fuel mixture will be too rich. The fuel washes past the rings and into the crankcase, burning in the combustion chamber.
Piston rings are usually to blame if the smoke is blue, but a compression test will verify that.
If it’s white, then you’re probably getting coolant in the oil. That’s usually caused by a blown head gasket or cracked cylinder head or block. A compression test will verify that as well.
Komatsu pc 120-The oil pressure light should go out after the engine has warmed up, When the engine is cold it take a while for the oil to flow to all parts of the engine, if the oil light still is on when warm then there is a problem with front main ball bearing or main bearing caps
The oil pressure light should go out after the engine has warmed up, When the engine is cold it take a while for the oil to flow to all parts of the engine, if the oil light still is on when warm then there is a problem with front main ball bearing or main bearing caps, if these are bad it needs an overhaul.
If you have already done this and you are still having problems I would take it to a mechanic to check things out.
Komatsu pc 120-Sorry its so long winded but hope this helps.
So there are two main routes you could go down:
1) If you want to do it all yourself, you can use a DSLR camera for stills (e.g. Canon EOS Rebel T5i) and a video camera (e.g. Canon VIXIA HF R400 HD Camcorder) and use the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of programs to edit them. You would need Premier Pro to edit videos and Photoshop/Lightroom to edit photos. This is the option that will give you the best quality product, but it’s also the most expensive and time consuming option.
2) The second option is to use an iPhone or Galaxy S7 to take pictures, and one of these cameras: Gopro Hero4 Black Waterproof Sports Action Camera Kit for video editing (you can get an extra waterproof case with this bundle). Then, use Adobe Lightroom Mobile or Snapseed for mobile photo editing and iMovie for video editing (comes pre-installed on Mac/Macbook).
The first option will take a couple thousand dollars to set up, but give you really quality videos; the second option is free if you have an iPhone or Galaxy S7, will be thousands of dollars cheaper than the first option.
Komatsu pc 120-Your Komatsu pc 120 excavator floods out when starting and blows alot of smoke probably needs some repairs.
The Komatsu PC 120 excavator is a heavy piece of equipment generally used in demolition or earth moving applications, and it can be a real pain to get going when it floods out. This problem is usually caused by a bad fuel injector, but you may also have a faulty throttle if the engine starts and then dies. These are relatively simple repairs that do not require you to remove the engine from the machine.
Turn the fuel delivery key on the right side of the console to “Off.” Disconnect the battery.
Remove the cover over the air filter using your Phillips screwdriver. Remove the air filter and set it aside for cleaning or replacement. If you need to clean it, use your wet/dry vacuum and suck up all of the debris from around the intake manifold and throttle body.
Place a shop rag under the fuel injectors on top of the manifold. Use your No. 30 Torx head screwdriver to remove all six screws holding down each fuel injector. Pull up on each injector until it comes free from its socket. Set each one aside for cleaning or replacement as needed. If you need to clean them, spray them with carburetor cleaner until they are free of dirt and grime.